How St. Christopher – a man living in the 3rd century – become a patron of drivers?

He was known as a tall and ugly man from the Roman province of Lycia (Turkey today) where he died as a martyr. The catholic church remembers him on 25th of July. One of the legends says that Christopher has served the pagan reach people and even Satan, but when he got to know the Gospel, he was baptized. Repenting of his sinful life he decided … Continue reading How St. Christopher – a man living in the 3rd century – become a patron of drivers?

When you have kids, youngster, you’ll understand

Is it OK to leave the basketball team due to the birth of a child? Lithuanian couch explains what is the height of a human experience. During a press conference Šarūnas Jasikevičius, a Lithuanian former professional basketball player and current head coach was asked by a journalist about the absence of one of the players. – Is it normal for a player to leave the … Continue reading When you have kids, youngster, you’ll understand

5 important facts about Fatima you may not know

What connects the Muslim religion and Fatima? What is the miracle which proves the santity of Jasinta and Fransisco and what happened to the bullet of the John Paul II attack in 1981? The phenomenon of the Fatima apparitions contains many symbolic images. Below are the ones that not many people know about. 1. Muslim princess Fatima After the Muslim Moors invasion of the Iberian Penisula when … Continue reading 5 important facts about Fatima you may not know